The shape of your jaw plays a major role in determining your facial attractiveness. If you have seen youtube videos on applying makeup, you would understand how artists emphasize on achieving the right contour of the cheek and chin, and how perfecting these contours could bring about a drastic change in your face.
Doing an elaborate makeup every day, to get that perfect face may be extremely tedious, plus it is not good for your skin. If you think that your jawline makes your face look unattractive, jaw shaping/contouring is the best option for you.
In males, a squared jawline whereas in females, a smooth and rounded jawline and chin is desirable. A youthful jawline is characterised by a straight line from the chin to the angle of the lower jawbone below the ear. Ageing causes changes in fat deposition and decreased firmness of the tissue around the chin - all this results in chin jowls and a saggy jawline. Jaw reshaping/ contouring can help to improve the volume and definition of the chin, reduce the appearance of jowls and create a youthful facial profile.
During the pre-procedural visit, Mr Kassam will do a detailed examination of your face. You will be asked about your expectations from the procedure and would tell you what changes you can expect after procedure. Mr Kassam will also take some pictures (with your permission) for future comparisons. For a successful procedure, you should:
In case of a nonsurgical procedure:
In case of a surgical procedure:
The Harley Street Clinic
35 Weymouth Street
London W1G 9QJ,
Clinics Hours :
Alternate Wednesdays 9am-1pm
Remote clinics - monday-thursday 6-8pm
London Independent Hospital
1 beaumont square, Stepney, London, E1 4NL
Clinics Hours :
Alternate Fridays 9am - 2pm
Remote clinics : monday-wednesday 6-8pm