Liposuction is removal of unwanted fat from the body. This can be done as a stand alone procedure in the face and neck or commonly done with face and neck lifting surgery as an adjunctive procedure. It will help too slim the face , improve jowling and contour the neck and the area under the chin ( submental area )
Liposuction is an extremely safe procedure and done through small ‘keyhole’ incisions. There are sometimes no suture placed or a single dissolvable suture where required. The entry ports for the cannulas which are used to remove the fat are cosmetically hidden so not seen.
Liposuction carried out alone is usually more effective in patients who had a reasonably good skin tone and not a lot of skin excess although liposuction can help to tighten loose skin.
Liposuction alone is generally done under intravenous sedation or local anaesthesia alone but if combined with other facial procedures such as facelifting or blepharoplasty it will be done under general anaesthesia.
If liposuction is done alone you can go home the same day. Mild painkillers are needed for 3-5 days. Mr Kassam will advise on a compression bandage to be worn for 2 weeks. Results are visible after a few days but will normally continue to improve over the coming months.
Yes, the fat cells removed do not regenerate.
Fat removed from the body can be injected into the face to help with facial rejuvenation and its stem cells also help the skin to rejuvenate and achieve a brighter complexion.
The Harley Street Clinic
35 Weymouth Street
London W1G 9QJ,
Clinics Hours :
Alternate Wednesdays 9am-1pm
Remote clinics - monday-thursday 6-8pm
London Independent Hospital
1 beaumont square, Stepney, London, E1 4NL
Clinics Hours :
Alternate Fridays 9am - 2pm
Remote clinics : monday-wednesday 6-8pm