Ear Lobe Repair or repair of the torn ear lobe is a rather very common cosmetic surgery in the Indian subcontinent. Due to culture and religious reasons wearing ear rings is very common in India. Over a period of time, due to the weight of the ear rings, the holes made for placing the Ear ring becomes bigger and bigger, finally ending in some cases to the whole ear lobe getting torned into two halves.
These changes not only just gives rise to an unattractive looks, but also creates problem for a woman who is habituated in wearing rings for cultural and religious purposes in almost daily basis ; so correction of this deformity assumes a very important role for them.
The surgery for this condition is rather a very straight forward and simple. As it is done under local anaesthesia, so no admission is required. At our clinic we do surgery assisted with lasers and radiofrequency which helps to reduce pain and mark both and gives aesthetic results.
The Harley Street Clinic
35 Weymouth Street
London W1G 9QJ,
Clinics Hours :
Alternate Wednesdays 9am-1pm
Remote clinics - monday-thursday 6-8pm
London Independent Hospital
1 beaumont square, Stepney, London, E1 4NL
Clinics Hours :
Alternate Fridays 9am - 2pm
Remote clinics : monday-wednesday 6-8pm